
William Patten Primary School
Stoke Newington Church Street
London N16 0NX
Office Manager: Rita Quigley
SENDCo: Caitlin Shaw

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020 7254 4014

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William Patten Primary School


Hi Everyone,

I hope you’re excited about the end of the school year and the break that ensues, but before then we have our Annual Summer Fair on Saturday 13th July from 1pm to 4pm. It is one of the major Fundraising events for the school and the children look forward to it every year, so please get involved this year. You will have seen the Location Location boards popping up around Stoke Newington and we would like to send out a big thank you those who are showing these boards and to Joel and team at Location Location on Church St for their constant support of the school…Thank you.

Raffle Prizes:

We will be running a raffle so are asking parents/carers to donate some excellent prizes to the raffle. We will need these by 10th July. If you can help us with this please contact the PTFA at or drop off at school.

Talent Show:

The Talent Show will be also running and was a big hit last year with some tremendous acts so if your children have a special talent please sign them up by emailing the PTFA at

Bake Sale:

For the Bake Sale, we will be accepting baked goods on the morning of the fair. Please be sure to drop off your cakes/cookies/baked goods from 10am that morning.


Like we did with the Winter Fair, we are asking parents to sign up to volunteer to help on the volunteer page. We had a great turn out for the Winter Fair. Let’s get together again to support the Summer Fair. It cannot happen without parent involvement. Sign up at – Please click or copy and paste into your browser if clicking doesn’t work.

Pyjama Day:

5th July will be a ‘Wear your Pyjamas to School Day’ and in return we would ask the parents/carers have a wrapped gift for the Tombola. A separate ‘adult’ and ‘children’ tombola will be running this year, please label accordingly.


Summer Fair stalls this year:

Bouncy Castle

Dunking Machine

Adult/Kids Tombola

Nerf Gun Shoot out

Wheel of Fortune

BBQ including Halal with Drinks Bar

Jumble Sale

Talent Show

Ice Cream Stand

Plant Stand from the Re-Wild Team

Soccer Shoot out

Face Painting with Glitter Tatoos

Jewellery Making

Bake Stand

Fairy Floss

WP Merchandise Stand

Again, volunteer sign up link is – Please click or copy and paste into your browser if clicking doesn’t work. It only takes a few seconds to complete. We have just over 4 weeks until the Fair so please get involved. These events require everyone to contribute in some way to ensure the children have a lot of fun, they take away great memories and help support Karen and the school financially.

Thank you all.
William Patten PTFA